Increasing Activity on Flett Exchange

Since its inception Flett Exchange, LLC has been increasingly adding liquidity and transparency to the NJ SREC market. They have already brokered a number of trades in a seemingly inactive market and as they continue to bring buyers and sellers together in a live market based environment we should see greater activity. This will be visible especially as reporting year 2007 draws to a close and system operators begin receiving 2008 SRECs and Utilities begin buying to meet their RPS. For Utilities, Flett Exchange will add cost-effective and time-saving measures to purchasing SRECs for RPS. Utilities will be able to place large working orders eliminating the the need for expensive phone brokers and aggregators. This web-based platform will greatly increase liquidity in the market since system operators will now be able to interact with each other to place real-time bid, offers and, more importantly, counter-offers — thus creating a true commoditzed market.

New Jersey