Spot Markets for SRECs are for the immediate delivery and payment for SRECs. If you are a solar owner and are in a state which has SRECs the Flett Exchange Spot market is where you get paid immediately for your SRECs. The Flett Exchange is the “stock exchange for SRECs”. We operate the largest, most active exchange for SRECs in the nation. The Flett Exchange New Jersey SREC market has been the place for SREC liquidity for over a decade. Thousands of solar owners sell their SRECs on the Flett Exchange Trading Platform. Electricity companies procure their SRECs on Flett Exchange and if they don’t they use the Flett Exchange pricing data to execute directly with solar owners or in the broker market. We are the price discovery vehicle for SREC markets.


Solar owners can open up their own personal accounts on Flett Exchange just like they would open up an on-line stock brokerage account.

Selling: Solar owners can log into their Flett Exchange account and immediately sell their SRECs or list their SRECs at higher prices for sales at a later date. Upon execution the seller gets a deal confirmation emailed to them.

Delivery: Upon selling SRECs sellers deliver the SRECs from their GATs account to the Flett Exchange GATs account

Clearing / Payment: Upon delivery of the SRECs Flett Exchange sends final deal confirmation to sellers with the total for the Sale. Payment is remitted to the seller the same day. Sellers can opt for a physical check or electronic deposit directly to their bank account. Since Flett Exchange acts as the clearing house and counterparty for all trades sellers do not have to worry about billing or payment from different buyers.


OTC Brokerage

Flett Exchange has a full service brokerage desk for over-the-counter SREC brokerage. Large sellers that would rather transact directly with an electric company can utilize our brokerage desk. This is for large volume deals of 500 SRECs and over. Volume under 500 is brokered for immediate payment directly with Flett Exchange. Our trading desk can be contacted at 201-209-0234