Flett REC Manager

A Full Service Solar Asset Management Portfolio

Sign Up. Accept Payment... Simple.

Fee: View Full Fee Schedule

Do It Yourself

Create your own account on GATS and transfer us your SRECs.

We'll take it from there!

NJ systems installed after 2020 should sign up for REC manager

Fee: $2.50/SREC

Flett REC Manager for Expiring Programs & Solar Loans

PSE&G Solar Loan Program • JCP&L • Atlantic City Electric • Rockland Electric

Have you completed your PSE&G Solar Loan Program or reached the end of your 10-year fixed rate contract with JCP&L, Atlantic City Electric, or Rockland Electric?

Sign up with Flett Exchange to seamlessly transition to our Managed SREC service and continue receiving benefits for an additional 5 years with convenient monthly payments.

Apply for a Do it Yourself account if you want to manage your own GATS account and sell at your discretion.

Program Fee: $6.50/SREC

Flett GREC Manager/DIY

Full GREC Management

Hands-off management of your Geothermal Renewable Energy Credits.

Fee: $3.00/GREC

Do It Yourself

Create your own account on GATS and transfer us your GRECs.

Fee: $2.50/GREC

ITC Manager

A one-time advisory service for homeowners claiming the Section 25 Residential Energy Credit (ITC).

Fee: $150.00
No payment processing necessary if you are a current customer selling RECs;
the fee for ITC manager will be credited against your RECs receivables.

Click here if you already have an account with us