Check back soon for Geothermal markets in Virginia
We manage the following renewable energy credits: SREC, TREC, SREC-II (SuSi), Class 1, Class 2, geothermal and SRECs sites that have been reclassified as Class 1 RECs
I already have an account with Flett Exchange but I would like my SRECs to be professionally managed by Flett Exchange.
Do not check this box if you are a new customer.
Note this is in KW, be sure to check your decimal point.
I do not know my system size.
My facility address is the same as my mailing address above.
My facility is already registered with PJM GATS
Where can I find my NON Number?
I do not know my non number.
Where can I find my State Certification Number?
I do not know or have not yet received my state certification number
(Date Connected to Grid)
I do not know my aspect details.
Please be advised that we will need these details at a later time to complete your registration process. If able, please contact your installer for them after completing this form and email to
Would you like to have your check delivered someplace besides your address above?
I want my check mailed to the same place as my mailing address above.
Check this if you are an installer signing up on behalf of one of your clients.
If you have trouble signing up, please CLICK HERE to fill out a contact form and we will assist you. Alternatively, you can call as at 201-209-0234 for more assistance. Thank you.