Flett Exchange ITC Manager is a one-time advisory service for homeowners claiming the Section 25 Residential Energy Credit

What you can expect from us:

1. Qualified Costs Estimate for your Renewable Energy Facility

2. Templates for Forms 5695 & Schedule 3

3. Supporting documentation folder: materials referenced for your claim

4. If you work with a tax professional, our team will forward your ITC file to that party, and otherwise ensure that you have the resources and info necessary to make an accurate claim

What is the benefit?

You successfully make a Tax Credit Claim for your renewable energy facility.
The Flett Exchange customers' average ITC is $15,300 - based on all 2024 facilities that we have assisted.

What is the Cost? $150.00*

*No payment processing necessary if you are a current customer selling RECs; the fee for ITC manager will be credited against your RECs receivables.

Click here to read the ITC Manager Homeowner's Guide