Flett Exchange manages solar owners SRECs accounts. REC Manager® is the easiest way to have your SRECs managed and sold every month on a professional basis. We take all the hassle out of dealing with the state database, entering meter readings, selling and transferring SRECs. We register your system with the state databases and with PJM GATS for free. If you choose REC manager we do it all for you. Since we handle thousands of accounts we are able to charge low fees. Fees range from 3% for small systems to 0% for larger systems.

Benefits of Flett Management


Flett Exchange operates live and continuous environmental markets which provide immediate access to deep pools of SREC liquidity. Our online trading platform promotes competitive pricing, is available 24 hours/7 days a week, and hosted on a secure network.


Flett Exchange believes transparency builds trust. Our clients can easily log-on to Flett Exchange's online trading platform and monitor SREC activity. We post a daily SREC settlement price, historical pricing data, and technical charts that track SREC activity.


Flett Exchange actively manages your SRECs on a monthly basis. We aim to achieve competitive SREC pricing and remit payment of monetized SRECs to you immediately. Flett SREC Manager can be helpful in attaining a dollar-cost average for your SRECs over time.

Experience - Flett Exchange is an accomplished SREC manager. Our unmatched experience in spot, public-auction, voluntary, and long-term environmental markets could be instrumental in your next SREC transaction. Flett Exchange is supported by a skilled team of environmental professionals who can decipher market moving news, take appropriate action to retain SREC value, and help mitigate risk.