Flett Exchange LLC launches Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Market for Solar

Flett Exchange LLC announces the launch of its Pennsylvania’s Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) market. Load Serving Entities in the State are required to purchase .5% of their total energy output from solar energy systems by 2021. Similar to New Jerseys SREC program each certificate will represent 1000kWh of renewable energy.  Details on the PA market can be found at Pennsylvania AEPS Website.

Flett Exchange will leverage its experience in the New Jersey markets to help match LSEs and solar systems owners with its value added transparent web based trading/auction platform. The Exchange has brokered over $1.7 million in transactions year to date with over 650 customers. Flett Exchange’s NJ SREC market has operated continuously for two and a half years allowing buyers and sellers 24 hours access to live pricing information and the immediate ability to monetize their SRECs.

Flett Exchange looks forward to bringing transparency, price discovery and immediate execution for DC, DE, MD and PA SREC markets. Our online auction-exchange is supported by knowledgeable professionals who provide personalized service. Flett Exchange’s online auction-exchange is the most reliable and cost-effective solution to transacting and monetizing your SRECs. Buyers and sellers meet on Flett Exchange to negotiate price and quantity of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). Our internet-based auction platform brings transparency and price discovery to SRECs markets allowing Flett Exchange users place working orders in live. Public entities can auction their SRECs on the Flett Exchange platform and obtain a competitive price in a transparent manor. The solar community is choosing Flett Exchange because our trading platform is easy to use, always reliable and absolutely secure. For a free account or immediate assistance call (201)-209-9426 or go to and discover our SREC, NJ Class 1 Rec, RGGI, Interest-Rate, Physical Gold and Silver markets.
