Flett Exchange Mentioned in Recent Article!

Flett Exchange was recently mentioned in a article highlighting how “Private Stock Exchanges Help Firms Grow.” The article emphasizes the importance of specialty exchanges active in niche markets (i.e. Solar Renewable Energy Certificates) and their ability to bring transparency, price discovery and liquidity to otherwise impenetrable markets.

About Us:

Flett Exchange is online auction exchange for Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). Our exchange is the most cost-effective and efficient way to transact and monetize SRECs. Flett Exchange has been servicing the solar community for over two years. Utilities, institutions, municipalities and residents are some of our best customers. Our exchange brings price discovery, transparency and liquidity for NJ, PA, DE, MD, OH, NC and DC SRECs. Buyers and sellers can negotiate price and quantity of SRECs on live markets for immediate delivery. Flett Exchange provides a daily SREC settlement price and historical pricing data to assist our clients in marking their portfolios and assess solar projects. Flett Exchange operates on a secure network and is ready to execute your SREC orders 24 hours/7days a week.
Please explore our website or call 201-209-0234 to learn more about our Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC), Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Interest-Rate Swap and Physical Gold and Silver Markets.

New Jersey