Government Agencies Utilize Flett Exchange to Sell their RECs

The Flett Exchange Internet Trading Platform provides the transparency and competition needed by states, counties, and townships when they sell Renewable Energy Certificates REC. Flett Exchange has a diverse group of buyers in its markets that need to buy RECs to satisfy Renewable Portfolio Standards RPS. All bids are logged in the Flett Exchange data base for future reference to ensure that the RECs were sold in a competitive fashion to the buyer with the best price.

The Flett Exchange market also takes into account other factors such as counterparty credit risk for sellers to consider when choosing the best price.
Flett Exchange operates a Micro Exchange for the spot buying and selling of precious metals and renewable energy certificates. Flett Exchange also publishes daily settlement prices for its markets on its website. Customers can either execute on the Flett Exchange trading platform or speak to one of its brokers. 201 209 0234 15 Exchange Place, suite 710 Jersey City, NJ 07302