Instructions for Solar Facility Owners As 2008 Energy Year Ends

The following is an email sent out by the NJ SREC Program Administrator, Clean Power Markets, Inc. on May 28,2008.

Attention Facility Owners,


The current energy year ends on May 31, 2008.  If you have a solar system that is 10 kW or larger and are therefore reporting inverter / meter readings for your system, please make sure to take your reading at the end of the day on or about May 31. 

You will then need to enter this reading in your NJ SREC website account so you will receive full credit for your solar production during this energy year. A reading is also due for any system that has requested to report readings to the NJ SREC website.

Solar RECs will be issued on June 5 for production through May 31.  Solar RECs will also be issued for systems smaller than 10 kW based on estimates through May 31. You then have until August 31, 2008 to get these sold toNew Jersey load-serving entities that have to comply with the State’s RPS requirement to purchase solar RECs (“the compliance market”).  We strongly recommend that you try to have your SRECs sold by July 31, 2008 if possible. 

As of September 1, 2008, Reporting Year 2008 SRECs will no longer be eligible for the New Jersey compliance market. Any Reporting Year 2008 SRECs that have not been sold and have a status of “Active” will have their status changed to “Reserved”.  These reserved SRECs will be eligible to be sold into “voluntary” markets after that time.

If you need help entering your readings, please contact us at

Thank you,

Clean Power Markets, Inc.

NJ SREC Program Administrator