Michael Flett to Speak at Carbon TradeEx America on September 28th -29th

Michael Flett, President and CEO, of Flett Exchange is speaking at the Carbon TradeEx America on September 28th -29th, 2010 in Chicago. This is a leading Trade Show and Conference in North America serving international business, finance, technology, venture capital, government communities in abatement, trading, monitoring, crediting and compliance of emissions. The conference is organized by Koelnmesse, Carbon Markets & Investors Association, Environmental Markets Association, and Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Industry, technology, and service providers in the environmental business as well as government agencies from developing countries will be among the exhibitors. Attendees will be Emission Traders and Broker, Utilities, Financial Institutions, Corporate Representatives, Venture Capital Funds, Project Developers, Technology Providers Research & Development Departments, Science Institutes and Universities.
         The Carbon TradeEx America is designed to be a “hands on” program for professionals in environmental management positions working on strategic planning and investing, energy efficiency improvements, compliance programs, performance benchmarking and market and finance monitoring. The inclusion of EMA into this event has broadened the platform for this event as it now addresses not only Carbon but all environmental markets including SO2, NOx, RECs and GHG.

  • “Investment Opportunities” will focus on subjects such as investment risk in climate change, success stories in voluntary offsets projects, the correct use of market standards, and an insight how renewables match against other energy sources.
  • “Market Insight” will examine the role of forestry and agricultural offsets, provide an outlook on the NAFTA offsetting scheme and insights into current business opportunities in existing environmental markets.
  • “Business Strategies”, a new conference track added for the first time, will examine strategies of the transport sector, the effects of Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) replacement rule, EPA newest proposals on regulating GHG, SO2 and NOx emissions and the impact of the RPS on the renewable industry.

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