PPL Electric to Procure AECs through Default Service Procurement Plan

On Thursday, June 18, 2009, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (“PUC”) approved, with modifications, PPL Electric Utilities Corporation’s (“PPL Electric”) default service procurement plan to serve retail customers for the period beginning January 1, 2011. The plan provides for the procurement of Alternative Energy Credits (“AECs”) to meet compliance with Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act (“AEPS Act”). Through a series of solicitations, PPL Electric will procure over 850,000 AECs for delivery periods between 5 months and 5 years in duration.

As a requirement of bidder qualification, each prospective supplier must show that it or its guarantor is rated. RFP documents including the RFP schedule will be posted to the RFP web site ( as soon as they become available.

To receive more information about the PPL Electric RFPs, visit the RFP web site where you can register to receive announcements and updates for the PPL Electric RFPs: register now!

To find out more information about how to participate in a bidder information session scheduled for July 8, 2009
