Still have 2010 or 2011 New Jersey SRECs? Sell Them Now!

New Jersey Solar Owners Need to Check GATS for Energy Year 2010 or 2011 SRECs and Sell Them Now!
     If you own solar in New Jersey you need to check your GATS account for any SRECs tagged June 2009 to May 2011. Those SRECs are energy year 2010 and 2011 SRECs and are usable for 2011 energy year RPS compliance. Renewable Portfolio Compliance filings are due October 1st by New Jersey electric providers . Prices for energy year 2010 and 2011 SRECs are trading $620 on Flett Exchange today. If you do not sell them they will be worth slightly less than the 2012 SRECs which are trading $195 today. That is a $425 difference!!
1. Check your GATS account for NJ SRECs produced June 2009 to May 2011
2. Log onto Flett Exchange and sell them at the current market price.
(this price changes, as of this writing it is $620)
3. Call our trading desk at 201 209 0234 and we will lock in your price and help you transfer the SRECs
(Energy year 2012 SRECs (June 2011 to May 2012 generation) are trading at $176 today on Flett Exchange. Volume is very light with over 90% of our sellers taking a wait and see attitude at this time)

New JerseySREC