Maryland Certified SRECs and Cost Effective Solar Array Installation

Are you a Maryland resident interested in installing a cost effective solar array on your home or business? If so, this news is for you!


With the recent passage of SB0783, known as the Brighter Tomorrow Act, the Maryland Energy Administration has proposed funding a grant pool of $18 million for FY2025 in compliance with the aforementioned bill [9-2016] . This ACT is specifically designed to enable low to moderate income Marylanders gain access to affordable renewable energy systems. Qualifying homeowners may be entitled to up to $7,500 in reimbursement for their solar system installation cost. ($750 per Kw up to 10Kw)

Additionally, under the Inflation Reduction Act signed by President Biden in 2022, homeowners nationwide can take advantage of a tax credit to offset the cost of solar installation as defined in 26 U.S.C. § 25D. This covers 30% of your installation cost. If you don’t have the taxable appetite Flett Exchange can sell your tax credit for you.


Flett Exchange is the easiest one stop option to manage your personal solar project finance and subsequent account management for sale of Certified MD SRECs (for more information on the new Maryland SREC program for systems installed after 01/01/2025, see the Maryland Solar Bill.)


Once you have decided to install a cost-effective solar system on your home and want to begin selling your certified SRECs, Flett Exchange will:


Provide a no-cost estimate for your system installation, and 


  1. Submit your grant application to the state of Maryland 

  2. Connect you with a local installation company 

  3. Register your array with PJM GATS

  4. Manage the sale of your Certified SRECs (estimated to be worth $75/KW in 2025) 

  5. Provide 5 day per week phone and email support for questions and concerns you may have along the way 

MarylandFederal GrantsPress ReleasesSRECResearchMaryland Certified