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Revises value of solar alternative compliance payment.
EY 2025 $208
EY 2026 [$198] $50
EY 2027 [$188] $40
EY 2028 [$178] $30
EY 2029 [$168] $20
EY 2030 [$158] $10
EY 2031 [$148] $10
EY 2032 [$138] $10
EY 2033 [$128] $10.
Any cost savings that accrue to an electric public utility as a result of the changes to the alternative compliance payment rate made pursuant to P.L. , c. (C. ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall be reflected in the rates charged by the electric public utility, as determined by the board.
Our Interpretation:
If these changes are passed into law 118,000 residential and 6,000 commercial, school and municipal solar owners in New Jersey that installed solar between 2010 and 2020 will see their SREC payments decrease by 80% to 90%. 75 percent installed their solar between 2015 and 2020.
Many of the solar owners have solar leases that they rely on the SREC payments to make their solar lease payments.
The savings will not be passed onto ratepayers. Energy companies have already contracted for substantial amounts of power for the next few years through the Basic Generation Services (BGS) and bilateral contracts.